
10月20日に受験した応用情報処理技術者試験の合格発表日でした。 どきどきしながら、成績照会。 なんと受かってました!(^0^) たいして試験対策せずに受けて、午後の記述でぼろぼろになったので 結果はあまり期待してなかったので受かってラッキー♪ 来年は高…

年の瀬になり、確定申告の時期も近づいてきたところで ふるさと納税がお得だという話を聞いて調べてみました。 居住地以外の地方自治体に寄付すると お礼としてその地域の特産品がもらえて もともと払う予定だった住民税もその分、相殺されるのだとか。熟考…

DSの中国語三昧を買い(先日の日記参照) 3DSをひさしぶりに起動する事になり すれちがいMii広場がアップデートされている事に気づきました。 すれちがい通信対応のゲームとして ピースあつめの旅とすれちがい伝説がありましたが どちらもクリアし、すれち…

ひさしぶりにDSのソフトを購入。学研 中国語三昧DS出版社/メーカー: 学習研究社発売日: 2008/07/10メディア: Video Game購入: 11人 クリック: 59回この商品を含むブログ (16件) を見る中国語の学習ソフトです。 勉強用にいろんな書籍も買ったけど、 やはりゲ…

久しぶりの日記更新です。 英語で日記をつけるのは、やはり億劫になりますね(汗)。 仕事はめちゃくちゃ忙しいけど なんとかやってます。今年はいろんな資格に挑戦しました。 実用英語技能検定準一級 合格 二級ボイラー技士 合格 エンベデッドシステムスペシ…

I bought a new video game "Dangan Ronpa" this week. It's a mystery adventure game like "Gyakuten Saiban". It was very exciting. So I played the game without sparing time for sleep for these past couple of days.If you are interested in the …

I had the second-grade Japan Kanji Aptitude Test. I guessed most questions right, but the self-scoring result was borderline. I can't wait to get the test result back.

A few days ago, I found my iPhone4S couldn't sound from it's speaker. So today I went to an Apple Store in Shinsaibashi due to have my iPhone repaired. A cleark checked my iPhone's trouble and exchanged it for new one. It didn't cost me an…

I got the report about the Embedded Systems Specialist Examination I had taken in this spring. It said I failed in the last section of the exam. It was so disappointing. I should've studied more hard for the exam. I'll try it again next ye…

I bought a gay game "Rental Athletes, Inc.". This is a company management simulation game. You manage a temporry staff employment agency as a president and dispatch staff who are physical college students to appropriate part time jobs.It w…

I went to a factory tour of Suntory Kyoto Brewery. After viewing a production line, I drank 3 glasses of the Premium Malt's with snacks the factory manager recommended. It tasted very good!! It was surprising that sweet snakcs went well wi…

My friend and I went to the Masaaki Shimoji live concert. I saw him for the first time in about six months. Last month, he announced a forever suspention of navy&ivory which was the duo unit he belonged to. So I had been anxious about his …

I received a notice that I passed the exam of class 2 boiler operator. I'm mighty pleased. I applied for an issue of an operator's license at once. I can't wait to get the licence.By the way, I tried calculating the cost to get the certifi…

Some days ago, I asked for a material about some certification I was interested in. Then I got a collection of previous questions for portrait painter certification examination today. I browsed through the book and understood how difficult…

It was a national holiday(the Vernel Equinox day) today. So I went bowling with the patrons of four bars in Nanba. It was the first time in about 3 years. I didn't do well, but I had a great time. There were many nice guys. It was absolute…

I arranged my schedule of examinations for this year. I'm going to take following tests. Embedded Systems Specialist Examination The Second Class Electric Work Specialist The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test 2nd Grade Quality Control Test 2nd Gra…

I received a package of Ikanago-no-kugini (sand lances boiled and seasoned) from my mother today. It is the special feature of early spring. Because it is permitted to catch sand lances during this limited time of the year. It brought me t…

An electronic dictionary I ordered at competitive price online was delivered. This model includes a lot of dictionaries for engineer. So it will be useful for both studying English and working.

I took a day off and took a exam of class 2 boiler operator. I went to a venue for the exam by train. It was a long way from my house. So I had to leave the house 2 hours and half before the exam. The exam was difficult for me. I'm not sur…

I'm going to take a exam of boiler engineer grade 2nd tomorrow. But I hadn't been ready for the test yet. I had to cram for it till late at night. I hope to pass it.

I placed an order for two secondhand dictionaries online last Sunday. These items were delivered to me today. They ware very cheap and in good condition. I am satisfied with my purchases. They will be useful in taking the exam of technical…

My friends and I went to shopping. I was going to buy only a new shoulder bag and yey my friends recommended nice clothes to me. Although the parka they recommended was an eye-popping price, it looked great on me. I was fascinated by it at…

I passed the STEP EIKEN pre-1st grade, so I would like to set a new goal to study English. I've chosen the English Technical Writing Test 2nd grade as the target.工業英検2級対策―文部科学省後援出版社/メーカー: 日本工業英語協会発売日: 1994/0…

I didn't have no schedule of meeting today. So I expected I wouldn't be busy. But my colleague asked me to do his work instead of him because he was going to make a business trip. As the result, my work doubled. I had to work overtime.

The result of STEP test(pre-1st grade) was announced. I found I passed the exam with difficulty. How lucky I was! I can't wait to receive the certificate. I wish I could pass also STEP test(1st grade) before long.

I went to a cafe for practice in English conversation. It's called "Eikaiwa-Kissa" in Japanese. An native English speaker and a few Japanese people were talking there when I entered the cafe. I joined the group talking. We talked about our…

I came back my parents' home to meet my parents. I installed a USB-HDD on their TV set so that they could record TV programs which they wanted to watch later. They were very pleased with installation.I went to a nearby chinese restaurant w…

It was Movie Day today. So I wanted to go to the movies after work. I was interested in "Les Miserables" which won an academy award this week. But regrettably, I couldn't find the theater which was showing the movie in the time zone of nig…

The other day, my aquitance who was a fluent English speaker gave me some advice. He said to me, "you should write a diary in English if you sincerely hope to improve your English ability." So I've decided to adopt his suggestion.新・英語…

大阪に戻って来たというのに 日記の更新が月1回になってしまいました(汗)。 でも、ご安心ください! 仕事に遊びに充実した生活をおくっておりますw。本日、英検準1級の二次試験の日を迎えました。 英会話による面接試験です。 前日に面接対策の問題集をやっ…